July 26, 2009


Stay motivated in your weight loss efforts by giving yourself small rewards throughout the process. Break your goals down into smaller, more manageable chunks.

Looking at the big picture can be intimidating. If you have a lot of weight to lose, realistically, it could be a long road ahead until your reach your goal weight. It is important to reward yourself throughout your weight loss journey to stay motivated and inspired.

First, set up your long-term and short-term goals for your weight loss efforts. These goals should be personal and focus on the things you need the most improvement on.

Long-Term Goals
Long-term goals are important for the big picture. You should have a vision of your final goals. What is your goal weight or size? What will it feel like when you reach this goal?

Examples of long-term goal rewards include: a weekend vacation or cruise, a new wardrobe in your new, smaller size, an update to your look, a large piece of workout equipment, etc.

Once you have this image of your end result, break it down into smaller chunks.

Short-Term Goals
Short-term goals can be all the bits and pieces that collectively bring you to your long-term goal. They can be related to weigh loss, food, exercise, water intake and other areas of personal improvement.

The key with short-term goals is to set small, achievable goals and reward yourself frequently. Create a simple chart to track your progress and watch as your rewards quickly add up, giving you another reason to stay on track.

You have to break the habit of rewarding yourself with food. It will be easier to adapt if you put something else in its place.

Examples of small rewards include: workout clothes (my personal favorite), running shoes (now a necessity), a massage, a manicure/pedicure, a book, CD or DVD, dumbbells, medicine ball or resistance bands, costume jewelry, heart-rate monitor watch, craft supplies, etc.

Stay motivated in your weight loss efforts by giving yourself small, meaningful rewards throughout the process. Break your goals down into smaller, more manageable chunks.

Some examples of short-term goals are:
Reaching a weekly cardio limit, staying within your daily calorie range, drinking 8 or more cups of water per day, reaching a 5-pound weight loss, reaching a 5-inch loss according to a tape measure, and creating and completing challenges.

Using Rewards for Motivation
It can be difficult to stay on track with your weight loss program if you feel deprived. Deprivation often occurs when people cut back on calories and increase their exercise while working on lifestyle changes.

Try using small rewards to stay motivated. The reward should be pre-determined and something you are willing to work for. Rewards should not consist of food.

Examples of small rewards include:
Workout clothes, running shoes, a massage, a manicure/pedicure, a book, CD or DVD, dumbbells, medicine ball or resistance bands, costume jewelry, heart-rate monitor, a watch, craft supplies, etc.

Soon you will work harder and stay on track because you will look forward to treating yourself to these rewards as you work towards your long tem weight loss goal.

Your challenge this week is to make yourself a list of:
Short-term goals and rewards and Long-term goals and reward.

Blog about it, use pictures and leave a comment on this post so that others can see your goals.

Keep on running!

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